June 26, 2010

the passed two weeks

ewww there are so many things that happend the last two weeks: the most exciting happend last saturday. it was pablos birthday and he invited us to come to his house for dinner and afterwards go to a club. everything went fine until the group was splitted because of fight between pablo and marcela. all in all marcela, linda and me went alone to a club called vcf. i had to drive home alone by subway and fell asleep. the biggest mistake ever! my pocket, my cell and my ipod were stolen as i woke up. annoying!

tuesday my old friend lou and me ate sushi at sensai. strange people over there but still delicious :p afterwards my mom and me cycled to a cell phone store to buy me a new cell-agreement.
yesterday there was a mess to help decideing what you want to do in future. yaaaay! my first talk was with a lecturer from "design akademie". it was so much fun. actually we didnt really talked about the university but about foreign countrys and my planned journey, about our families and about his experience. he was way to cool to be a teacher hah! the other talks werent so interesting and funny. nothing mentionable.
because my purse was stolen all my money is gone and i couldnt go out to party with friends yesterday. so i used my freetime to check the flights from berlin to london and hotels near hyde park.
i'm so faszinated by london, way like by new york, which by the way cant be topped by anything. and truly i cant wait to be out of berlin, all the daily stress, and for sure out of school (for only 6 weeks)! i want the summer to be here and the sun to tan my body :) annnnnnnd i cant wait to plan my year overseas! i'm so exited and in fact i want to go there right now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey danke fürs Verfolgen :) Bist ja ehct ne super süße total hübsch! Erinnerst mich ein wenig an die eine von GZSZ diese Modedesignerin ;)
    Echt süßer blog und Chace Cfrwaford ist so süß ;) Hammer heißer Typ ;)
    Liebe Grüße,
