May 30, 2010

friday we were at a party called ritter butzke. the doormen took my camera away so we couldnt take any pictures. surely the pictures cant show how amazing that night was but it would be cool to have some for memorization :)
anyways the most exciting incident that happend was that vincent und valentin were kicked out by the doormen because they found an alcohol dump and wanted to take all the drinks away hahaha after that they climbed the roofs to jump to the yard of the location. than they had fear of being caught hahaha

yesterday we went to a feast almost out of town. as we arrived all the shops were closed. faaaaaaaaaaaaaaailed! haha
after that we drove to rathaus steglitz, bought booze and drove back to vincents house. there we celebrated lena meyer-landruts victory on eurovision songcontest. later we walked to the old asbestos contaminated bröndby. its an unused school and very spooky because everywere are still standing all the tables and chairs which were used years ago for normal schoolday. the floor was full of cullets so it was really loud when we walked around there. first all the entry-doors were closed so we had to climb up to another entry which was also closed but the panes were broken so we could creep in. as we arrived at the roof we saw patrol cars so we became scared and ran through the ruin. after that we drove home by bus. strangely enough jakob got out of the bus 5 stations too early. dont ask why because i dont know.
weird guy! haha

the days passed..


  1. pornolippe im letzten bild :D

  2. ich weiß auch nicht was da los war hahaha

  3. haha die Ritterbutzke, als ich das vorletzte Mal in Belrin war sind wir da auch hin zum Glück relativ früh da war noch alles leer, 20 min. später standen die bis zur Straße und danach gings ins Cookies :) Kommst da überall schon mit 17 rein oder bist mittlerweile 18?

